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Quality Work, Great Rates


Picture this — you and your family have the AC turned on full blast to beat the summer heat and enjoy your home being an excellent 70° F when all of a sudden, you hear a loud groan. That groan is the first sign that your AC is on its last legs, and it might be time to consider an AC replacement. You don’t want to trust your AC replacement and central air installation to any contractor. HVAC Concepts has experienced technicians ready to come to make the necessary steps to properly replace and install your new AC unit in no time.


Not every malfunctioning AC unit requires a complete central air installation to address the issue. Sometimes, all it takes is one of our residential air conditioner contractors to perform some quick home AC repairs to remedy the problem.

With our expert air conditioner services, our team comes out and thoroughly inspects your unit from top to bottom, identifying the areas of your system needing the most attention and then fixing the problem in a timely fashion.

Choosing the right air conditioner services in your area can mean the difference between staying in complete comfort or having to get another round of home AC repairs done. With our experience fixing all makes and models of AC systems, you can count on our residential air conditioner contractors to fix any AC problem you may face.


Staying on top of any potential problems with your AC system can help you prolong its lifespan and not have to worry about installing a new system.

With our Climate Club membership plan, you schedule regular maintenance calls at the start of every summer to get your AC unit inspected and well maintained for the long haul. We want to help ensure your AC unit is ready for everything a Wisconsin summer can throw its way!


When installing ductwork isn’t feasible, ductless air conditioning provides an outstanding alternative. This dynamo cooling system is efficient and effective at keeping specific rooms or entire spaces cool and comfortable. Our air conditioning installers have extensive experience working with homes that need this unique option to provide the relief they need.

During the warm months, you won't have to worry about suffering through another malfunctioning AC unit. With HVAC Concepts providing expert air conditioner services, you can rest assured that we’ll be there to help you!


Contact us to learn more about our AC services and how we can help today!


Is your gas furnace not acting right? Whether it’s making strange noises or failing to keep your home warm, it’s essential to have your system checked out right away! The longer you wait to address your unit’s need for a heating repair, the more damage your heating system will incur—and the more the heating repair will cost. When it comes to your home heating system, you want a heating service that can address any potential issues quickly and efficiently. You can count on HVAC Concepts highly experienced professionals to recommend the solution your system needs and follow through with performing the necessary heating service.


Unfortunately, no heating system lasts forever. When it’s time to replace an old or inefficient system, homeowners can take comfort in HVAC Concepts gas furnace replacement and overall heating installation cost. Our residential heating contractors stick by your side, from beginning to end, to help you choose the perfect heating system for your home. We’ll also provide you with an estimate for your services without any annoying sales pressure.


It may have been a while since you last turned on your furnace. In the time since you last used it, certain aspects of your system may have fallen into disrepair, and you won’t know until it’s too late. The right heating services can help you have the confidence that your furnace is ready to handle whatever the Wisconsin winter throws your way! Certify your furnace performs its best with HVAC Concepts maintenance services. From seasonal system maintenance to routine checkups, our residential heating contractors will thoroughly examine your furnace, inside and out, to reveal potential issues. Following our inspection, we’ll recommend and perform any heating service needed to restore your furnace’s peak operation.


More homeowners are looking to find cost-effective ways of heating and cooling their homes without installing costly and separate heating and cooling systems. A heat pump can be their solution for those looking into new energy-efficient alternatives!

Our team can walk you through how the initial heating installation costs will be offset by the amount of energy you save during the year and the reduction in your heating and cooling bills. Bolton Heating, Air & Fireplaces has access to the top heat pumps on the market and can get them installed in your home in no time!


You need moisture in your home. But here’s the thing: You have to keep the humidity level within a desirable range. You see, too much moisture leaves your home feeling hot and sticky, causes wet stains on walls and ceilings, welcomes unwanted pests, and leads to the development of mold and mildew. High humidity harms your indoor air quality and can damage your property.Thankfully, if you notice musty smells, obvious mold growth or other signs of high humidity levels in your home, Bolton can help with its dehumidification services. Our team will defend you, your home and your budget from the structural and health-related dangers of unsuitable humidity levels. Achieving the ideal humidity level in your home protects your indoor environment and your home’s structural integrity. It also leads to:

  • Improved home comfort at a lower thermostat setting

  • Energy and utility savings

  • Cost-effective, whole-home comfort

  • Less risk of the flu, colds and respiratory infections

  • Fewer pests and airborne invaders

  • Decrease in foul odors

  • Protection of wood furniture, sensitive electronics and hardwood flooring

  • … And so much more!


When high humidity levels accumulate, it can cause problems throughout your entire home.

For starters, moisture saturates certain kinds of insulation, reducing their ability to protect your home from excess heat in the summer and excess cold in the winter. As a result, your energy bills will go up. That moisture buildup also can lead to the growth of mold on wood, paper, and some kinds of paint. Mold is hazardous to your health, and it’s costly to repair mold damage once it occurs. Not only does mold cause damage to these materials and possibly require you to replace them, but it can lead to health issues because of mold spores in the air. If you notice musty odors or mold stains in your basement or crawl space, you likely have mold growth caused by excess moisture from humidity. Mold can cause screws, nails, and sheet metal to rust and deteriorate. It also can cause wood to rot. And if that wood is a stud or joist, the structure of your home could be at risk. In addition, termites, powder post beetles, and other insects love to take up residence and eat wood with high moisture. At HVAC Concepts, our dehumidification services will eliminate high moisture levels in your home, putting an end to these issues. 


Effective dehumidification puts an end to moisture problems and mold growth. HVAC Concepts can quickly and easily identify a basement, crawl space, or entire home in need of dehumidification. Combine this with our more than three decades of experience and regular training from HVAC industry experts and you have a recipe for successful mold prevention. Following up with these solutions will lead to:

  • Significant energy efficiency improvement

  • Healthier indoor air quality

  • Higher resale value for your home

At HVAC Concepts, we check your entire house for all of the problems leading to excess moisture in your home, including lack of insulation, a poorly sealed air envelope, malfunctioning equipment, and more.


During the cold winter months,  dry air can affect your health and the condition of your home. If you have asthma or another respiratory illness, dry air may make it worse. The Cleveland Clinic reports that dry air may cause problems including:

  • Dry eyes

  • Sore throat

  • Dry nasal passages

  • Bloody nose

  • Make colds and flus worse

  • Chapped skin and lips

  • Itchy, dry skin

  • Worsened asthma and allergy symptoms

Keeping the air in your home from becoming too dry may help with many of these health issues. Depending on where you live, controlling indoor humidity is not always easy. This is where a humidifier may offer benefits. It is best to keep your home’s humidity within an optimal range–not too high and not too low. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends that you keep the air in your home between 30 and 50 percent humidity.


Whether it’s a repair because a component – heating element, gas valve/ regulator – is not working correctly or a replacement, we are ready 24/7 to service you. We recommend having your water heater flushed annually to make sure all the components are in working order. Additionally, we provide solutions for the customers that are looking for a green solution or are environmentally minded, as tankless water heaters are a great choice for an environmentally friendly option.

What's the Difference Between a Traditional Tank Water Heater & a Tankless Water Heater?
A traditional tank water heater stores gallons of water, so heated water is always available. A tankless water heater will heat up water on-demand, which will save you money in energy costs down the road. Tankless water heaters also save space, so they're much easier to install in a convenient location within your home. HVAC Concepts are your first choice in Tankless Water Heaters, and will be happy to further explain the advantages.


Your thermostat is a vital component that controls and maintains your home’s comfortable conditions. And, let’s be honest, nobody wants (or should have) to live in a world without modern amenities like temperature control. When it feels like your thermostat’s cool setting is below zero and the hot setting gives the illusion of the sun barreling toward Earth, it’s time for professional assistance. We consider our technicians to be thermostat gurus, delivering years of expertise from formal and on-the-job training. We’re dedicated to the safety and well-being of your family long-term, which is why we deliver comprehensive thermostat solutions for homeowners including wifi options that can save energy and learn your climate preferences.



One of the most important components of an HVAC installation is the duct system. The ducts are part of the system that transports air throughout the house. Much like arteries and veins in the human body, these ducts move air at a preselected temperature throughout the house. They help to promote proper circulation throughout the building. The importance of the duct system should not be ignored. Even the most efficient heating and air system can be brought down by leaky duct work. Air ducts that are obstructed by dirt and debris can dramatically reduce the efficiency of any modern central air system. During the coldest and hottest months of the year the duct system has to transport warm or cool air efficiently. These tunnels are also important for proper ventilation. Appropriate inspections should be made in the spring and summer. Needed maintenance and repair should be undertaken to avoid compromising the system.

Since these ducts are designed to move air through the home they are usually installed after the basic frame construction is complete. The air duct installation takes place before the drywall and other finishing carpentry are initiated. Air must move from the HVAC unit, throughout the building and then vented out of the premises. The most efficient duct work layout and design seeks to run as straight as possible with a minimum of curves or turns. Circulation slows down when air has to move through twists and turns. Fewer “elbows” also means less opportunity for leaks or structural degradation.

There is much more to air duct installation and repair than simply installing the branch ducts, or screwing in a few brackets. The work must be integrated into the entire circulatory system. Proper air duct installation and repair is necessary to ensure good air quality and efficient temperature control. The duct work should be balanced, well insulated, sealed and tested for optimal airflow. 



A home energy audit is a professional energy assessment on energy use in your home. We proudly offer home energy audits. The point of having a  professional energy audit is to help save money on utility bills in the future by pointing out where improvements should be made. We will first inspect the outside of the home and then the inside. We'll look at your previous utility bills to analyze your energy consumption. During the audit, the technician will conduct various tests on windows, fireplaces and doorways to see how much air leaks from your house. Your technician may look at your attic, water heater and furnace, too, to assess air leaks.

At the end of the audit, we will suggest ways you can start saving on your energy bills.  An example of a common energy saving suggestion would be switching out old light bulbs for LED bulbs. Simple fixes like that might seem silly, but over time they can add up to big savings on your utility bills. People who have had an audit done notice savings of 5 to 30% on utility bills after completing the upgrades identified in the audit.  Some larger suggestions an auditor could make would be adding more insulation, replacing windows that are causing drafts or repairing or replacing your furnace with a more energy-efficient model. Better energy efficiency is not just great for lowering your utility bills every season, but it’s also a great way to help the environment. Using only what you need and not wasting what you don’t will keep your home environmentally friendly. You’ll use less energy overall, which is good for the planet as well as your wallet.

Water Heaters
Energy Savings
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